Technical Review
Link Building
Speed & Performance Review
Google Data Studio Performance Reporting
Once your SEO content is published, we’ll go back and assess how it’s performing to make sure your organic search rankings are improving. We’ll also review any updates we discussed in the previous monthly strategy call to make further technical updates. Our team will also review other technical aspects of your website SEO and identify further opportunities for growth. We'll then work to implement these changes.
Link building is a crucial part of effective SEO. Our work involves developing your backlink network by strategically having trusted websites that have good relevancy and authority link back to your website. This all works to increase your keyword rankings, while also increasing your reputation and domain authority in the eyes of search engines like Google.
Website Speed and Performance is a massive ranking factor for Google. Therefore, it's important to make sure your website is fast to load and performs well so you don’t lose out on potential traffic. That's why as part of our ongoing SEO strategy, we'll perform a website speed optimisation as part of our ongoing work. Our speed optimisation experts will do a full review of your website, and ensure everything’s running seamlessly.
Google Data Studio is a powerful analytics tool that allows us to compile an in-depth report that shows you how your SEO is performing. Once our changes have kicked in, we’ll prepare a Data Studio report for you so you can see the progress you’re making. With our effective data visualisation, you’ll be able to see key stats, patterns and emerging trends all at a glance in a visual format. No jargon. No beating around the bush.